Getting your dream job: Corporates

In this instalment of our series ‘Getting your dream job’, we share Hernan Gonzalez and Gosia Sztandera’s advice on how to make an impact in the corporate world.
Argentinian-born Hernán Gonzalez Merlani works for HSBC, heading up their talent management team in London. He is an accredited coach and enjoys investing his time supporting other people.
Polish-born Gosia Sztandera for almost 10 years partnered with companies from various sectors such as, oil & gas, information technology, and consumer products, most recently Diageo, finding talents and helping people to develop their skills.
Know yourself
'Know yourself’ was Hernan’s top tip. Gosia’s personal experience emphasises the importance of this point – it took her two years to find her dream job because she did not know what she truly wanted!
Look in the mirror and be honest with yourself. Ask yourself: What am I good at? What are my values? What are my strengths? What makes me stand out amongst others?
Be targeted
Have a clear focus on where you want to work and why. Hernan suggests that you focus on companies where:
1. You know the industry or business; 2. You know the role; and 3. You know the decision makers.
Of course, if you have just moved to the UK you may not know the ‘decision makers’. However, this should not stop you focusing on the industry and role you know best. Undoubtedly, you may need to think more creatively about your unique selling points and key strengths. Target the companies where your strengths will give you a competitive edge. For example, if you are from Eastern Europe look for companies that do business in this jurisdiction – your language skills and knowledge of the culture will be a big selling point!
Gosia highlighted the importance of looking for networking events, where you can connect with like-minded people, who share the same interest or experience. These events offer a great opportunity to build your network in a new country.
Paulina, the founder of Onpartu, added that events/meetups are an incredible opportunity to improve your English and speak to people who use the right language and terminology. You need to know your desired industry's language, understand it and use it in your CV.

Prepare your CV
Having a clear vision of where you want to work will help you to create a tailored CV. Hernan recommends that you prepare a few different CVs, each of which highlights a different skillset. Gosia agrees that a generic CV is not going to work - your CV needs to be relevant to the position you are applying for.
Paulina noted the importance of including “side projects” on your CV, for instance if you have your own professional website you should absolutely include this.
Would you like some guidance on how to write a successful CV? Why don’t you attend Onpartu’s CV workshop on 20th January 2018. For more information click here.
Tips for interviews
When you are invited for interview, show your personality and demonstrate a positive, can-do attitude. Gosia notes that having a positive mindset includes being kind to yourself – be confident in your own abilities and don’t be scared of the interview.
Look at the interview as a great opportunity to show who you are and find out more about the company. Ask plenty of questions and show your genuine interest. The more excited you are about the role, the more likely you are to succeed!
For more information on how to write a wining CV, read here.