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Programme Results
Agnieszka from Poland
Eszter from Hungary
Manuela from Romania
Klaudia from Poland
Giedre from Lithuania

"Onpartu builds women's confidence by identifying and developing the key skills that employers look for, and by building a network of professional support that increases the likelihood of success."
Lani Du Toit - Onpartu Trainer, Learning and Development Program Consultant at Ernst & Young

Unable to find a career in the UK linked to her cartography experience back home, Monika worked as a restaurant waitress. She joined Onpartu as she “desperately wanted to change something”. The programme re-built her confidence, and she got particular support from her mentor and her buddy. With this, alongside more practical job searching skills and a larger network, she managed to secure a position as a cartographer within four months of completing the programme.
Case Studies

Monika from Poland
After six stable and successful years as a bookkeeper in Romania, Elena moved to the UK despite being unable to speak English. Her plan was to spend a year as a nanny, but this ended up being six, and she also got married and had a child in this time. She wanted to return to her career but constant rejections made her upset and disappointed. Onpartu gave her “information, ideas and optimism”, all of which led to being offered two exciting positions after completing the programme.

Aleksandra left Poland right at the beginning of the recession. She worked for five years as a nanny before she secured her first job in a laboratory, which despite being more aligned with her career from back home, was still far from what she aspired to achieve. Onpartu benefitted her in many ways, but in particular gave her the confidence to approach her boss. Since she finished, she has been promoted internally and also offered other roles, so is now excited by her future prospects.

Manuela from Romania
Aleksandra from Poland
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